The Town of Frisco wins Summit Chamber’s inaugural “Team of the Year” award among all private and public sector businesses in Summit County for 2019-2020, as noted by Summit Daily… Continue Reading...
Tag: nancy kerry city council
Frisco Approves Main Street Pedestrian Promenade and LoveFriscoShopFrisco Campaign to Help Local Businesses
The Town of Frisco in an effort to continue their ongoing support for local businesses, approved a Main Street Promenade and a LoveFriscoShopFrisco campaign during May 26th Council meeting. The … Continue Reading...
City Manager Kerry Presents Five-Year Financial Forecast
City Manager, Nancy Kerry presented the City’s annual Five-Year Financial Forecast to the South Lake Tahoe City Council on May 16, 2017. As reported by Lake Tahoe News, , Kerry … Continue Reading...
Mayor David Praises City Manager Nancy Kerry’s Performance
The City Council completed another performance review for City Manager Nancy Kerry with Mayor Wendy David praising Manager Kerry for “her handling of the budget, her guidance and her leadership.” … Continue Reading...
City Manager Kerry Proposes First Budget in 5 Years without Using Reserves
After being on the job for less than a year, City Manager Nancy Kerry brought a new conservative budget philosophy to the City and proposed the first budget in five … Continue Reading...